9522 Conklin Avenue, built in 18909561 Conklin Avenue, built in 1888. This house is a modest example of Queen Anne architecture in Blue Ash and is associated with John Conklin, the son of Isaac Conklin, an early Sycamore Township settler. John, a farmer and real estate developer, owned this property in 1884. In 1858, the post office was located in east Sycamore, just south of Blue Ash, with Ebenezer Ferris serving as Postmaster. That station closed in 1884. The post office in Blue Ash was established in 1882. John Conklin was named Postmaster in 1887. The post office was in Conklin’s house, which was common in those days. Door-to-door delivery arrived in Blue Ash in the 1950s. The post office served as the social and business center for most small communities. General information was disseminated at the post office when residents came to pick up their mail. In 1914, the property belonged to Sophia Hilsinger, widow of Jacob Hilsinger, a bookkeeper and founder of the Blue Ash Building and Loan.* *Historic Inventory of Hamilton CountyThe Blue Ash Building and Loan was founded in 1907. Edwin L. Strawser, president of the Blue Ash Building and Loan, joined the local loan company in 1915. He stored the receipts from the day’s business in a cigar box that he took home at night. This one-room building served as the bank until 1952 when they moved to the current location at 4811 Cooper Road. It was open only one night a week. In addition to the limited hours of operation, customers were required to have a good reason for withdrawing their money! It has the honor of being the longest-running business in Blue Ash.
4619 Cooper Road, built in 18904625 Cooper Road, built in 18804658 Cooper Road, known as the Conklin House, built in 1845. This is one of the few remaining farm houses in Blue Ash. It was owned by Isaac Conklin, an early settler in Sycamore Township. He worked in the lumber business and later farmed in Walnut Hills. He moved to this house from the Mill Creek Valley. John Conklin, his son, was a farmer and real estate dealer and owned the house and 100 acres in 1869. John Conklin subdivided property north of Hunt to Cooper and from Conklin east to Railroad Avenue in a plat approved in 1890. Part of this property was known as the Conklin Subdivision, including Conklin Avenue. In 1914, John’s son, Charles, owned only five acres and the house.* *Historic Inventory of Hamilton County4677 Cooper Road, once the Weber Store, built in 1900. The Louis Weber family moved to Blue Ash in 1921 and opened Weber’s Grocery Store at the corner of Cooper Road and Railroad Avenue. Mr. Weber added space for a post office at the rear of the grocery store adjacent to the train tracks on the south side of Cooper Road. The first Blue Ash library was in Weber’s Grocery Store, on one shelf. Books came from the downtown library. Alma Weber, daughter of the owner, earned five cents for each borrowed book. The building is currently the home of The Leist Group, Realtors.9527 Highland Avenue, built in 18804364 Hunt Road, built circa 1860. This house is an excellent example of the transitional period between Federal and Greek Revival styles of architecture. The farmstead was owned by the Hunt family, prominent farmers in Sycamore Township. Upon the death of John Craig Hunt in 1868, the property passed to his son Wilson. At that time, the farm consisted of an orchard and a dairy operation. The 1869 Atlas also shows a blacksmith’s shop on the site. Wilson Hunt owned the property in 1914.* *Historic Inventory of Hamilton County8849 Kenwood Road, built in 1830 by Solomon Ferris. 1990 photo. Solomon Ferris bought 50 acres on Kenwood Road in 1826, on which he built this house. He was the younger son of John and Elizabeth Ferris, Sr. The 1869 Atlas shows the house on the property of J.L. Hosbrook; in 1884 the house was owned by M. E. Pritchett. In the 1914 Atlas the house is owned by another Solomon Ferris, perhaps Solomon Ferris, Jr. * *Historic Inventory of Hamilton County8992 Kenwood Road, built in 1830 (The Hamilton County Auditor’s website shows 1865 as the date of construction.) Known as the John Ferris home, this early brick L-house is on land purchased by Elizabeth Ferris in 1801. She was the wife of John Ferris, Sr., who had purchased land in Sycamore Township in 1791.* John and Elizabeth were the first settlers in Blue Ash in 1791. They relocated to Lexingon, KY, and returned after the Indian Wars ended in 1795. *Historic Inventoy of Hamilton County4510 Leslie Avenue, built in 1875. This house is one of the few remaining 19th century structures in this subdivision. J. H. Crugar owned 53 acres of land. In 1889 Louis Ellman had this area surveyed and platted for a subdivision in Blue Ash. The irregularly shaped frame house has a cross gabled roof and a multisided 2-1/2 story tower topped by a finial capped roof. The tower appears to be a late 19th century addition. A porch with turned posts and a decorative spindled frieze wraps around the south and east sides.* *Historic Inventory of Hamilton County10193 Zig Zag Road, known as the Archibald Johnson home, built in 1840. This is one of the few remaining early farmhouses in Sycamore Township, now the City of Blue Ash, and was the home of Archibald Johnson who platted the first subdivision in Blue Ash.* *Historic Inventory of Hamilton County4752 Alpine, built in 1890. This Victorian is known as the Sibley-Brennemann House, named for the first families who lived in it. It is believed the Brennamann family acquired this home in 1901. The previous owners were James Sibley who died in 1893 and his widow, Mary Sibley, who died in 1901.9544 Conklin Avenue., built in 1902. The carriage house at the rear of the house is said to have housed the early fire department. This home has the distinction of being included in “The Historic Inventory of Hamilton County, An Historic Survey of 42 Suburban Communities” prepared by The Miami Purchase Association and authorized by the Hamilton County Board of County Commissioners in 1991. 9545 Conklin Avenue, built in 1900.4548 Ellman, built in 18909360 Floral, built in 18659519 Highland Avenue, built in 1890. This home is part of the Mission Baptist Church campus.4741 Hunt Road, built in 18959503 Kenwood Road. The original portion of the Strawser Funeral Home was built in 1900. The funeral home (first floor) was constructed in 1931. The property has been in the Strawser family since 1900.10243 Kenwood Road, built in 1900.9507 Railroad Avenue, built in 1886. 9511 Railroad Avenue, built in 18869655 West AVenue, built in 1893